Monday, October 20, 2008

Well, if I wan't busy before, I surely am now. I have decided to go back to school to get my CNA (certified nursing assistant) certification. This will allow me to work a little more extensively in Home Health and also make more many. I really love what I do and with this certification I will be able to find work in Seattle. It was just a God thing that I could go to school and be done by the time we are ready to leave for Washington.
At every turn, God is providing for us in order to get to Seattle. With our economy the way it is we were not expecting to sell our trailer, but again God has orchestrated a way for us. Because of Hurricane Ike many homes sustained extensive damage. We received a call from Houston asking if we would be willing to lease out our trailer and eventually sell to a family while their home is being repaired. The amount is about twice what we thought we could get and we are hoping to use that money to use as a house payment in Seattle. God is so good to take care of every detail for his people.
Last night we closed out an incredible revival in Tomball, TX. Joel has been there for about the last month with the Berentines. The girls and I joined him this past Sunday. We were also joined by Jonathan and Rebeca Bernadini and Jonathan and Julie Haygood. You can imagine what kind of service it was with three evangelist couple present. Incredible is just what it was. It was so good to see old friends as well. We fellowshipped until 1:30 in the morning and we hated to leave. The precious people of Tomball took up a sacrificial offering for us to aid us in going to Seattle as well as committing to fast and pray our our behalf. This church will never know how much their support means to us.
Speaking of going to Seattle we have a church name, Seattle Apostolic Sanctuary. What do you think?
So from the future pastor's wife of Seattle Apostolic Sanctuary, have great week.


Andrea Whiseant said...

Congratulations on selling the trailer. It really is a miracle to be able to sale anything during this time w/ the economy. We knew it was God when our sold in a matter of days. Thank you Jesus! Good luck to you on your schooling, don't take on to much girl!:) Love ya guys!

Michelle said...

I love the church name! God is so good, it's awesome to see how everything is working out for yall!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are now settled on God's will for your lives, and I am happy for you, and pray God's blessings on you.

I love the Seattle area. Some of our best friends, the Kern's, live in the area.
