Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Finally in Idaho

We have prevailed after many long days of travel and are now in the cozy city of Boise, Idaho. I was so thrilled when we drove into Boise and saw Sonic and Dillards (the West Coast is not blessed to be furnished with such pleasantries although Idaho does not seem to be culturally endowed with taco trucks).
But before I tell you about are latest venture I need to tell about are revival in WA. On my last post I asked you all to pray because we felt we were encountering some strong holds. Well, you must have prayed because God did a great thing in Mount Vernon, WA. Not only did we break through some things, but one of the young people received the Holy Ghost. ( I am convinced that aside from receiving the Holy Ghost for yourself there is no greater joy than seeing your child filled with the Holy Ghost. I was standing beside Sis. Brandy when her son Emanuel began speaking with other tongues. She was ecstatic and began jumping and shouting for joy.) This was our second revival in Mount Vernon. During our first meeting we encountered spiritual resistance. I remember Joel preaching that if you don't want revival and are a hindrance then God just might move you out. That is exactly what happened. When we went back this last time those people who had opposed the revival were gone. And although we did encounter some spiritual walls there was great liberty in the church. One of the many blessings of evangelizing is seeing how God can work and intern change a church.
We did give Alivia a birthday party. She was so cute. She delved into her cupcake and had a ball. Sis. Ross videoed Joel and Bro. Ross playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey with the kids. As soon as I get a copy I will post so you can enjoy it as much as we did.
And now to Idaho. We are so thrilled to be here. We had our first church service here on Sunday. It was really a very neat experience. The core group of the church is about 20-30 people but about 6 months ago between 50 to 60 African refugees began coming to church. They love God and are very hungry to be in his presence some even walk to church if the bus cannot make it to pick them up. Many of them have endured much suffering. Just this past week Sis. Judith's son had to have his foot amputated because it was mangled during the tribal wars in Burundi. They are grateful to be in America, but it has been an incredible life change. The church has had to teach them everything from using a toilet to a microwave. The Africans love to sing though. So during service they sing some of there native songs. They have such beautiful harmony when they sing. So God has set a great challenge before us but we are excited to be here. We covet your prayers it will definitely take some patience and wisdom is dealing with these people. Also remember the pastor Bro. Kantola. He is feeling well but is having to have a stint put into his liver because it is not draining properly. One more prayer request, please pray for my father-n-law he is having some health problems and right now the doctors don't know what is going on.
Okay so I'm done for now but remember keep posted because you don't want to miss what else is brewing in our pot of beans.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sheree,
You have been on my mind since your post about going to Idaho. I will keep you guys in my prayers!!!

Leah West

Michelle said...

This is a great post! We will be praying for ya'll in Idaho.

preacherman23 said...

Im glad that you all made it safe to Idaho. Ill be praying for you guys and its great to hear such great updates and things that the Lord is doing.
