Monday, October 8, 2007

Exciting News

First off we preached for Bro. Ezra Aunie Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They have a very small work in Bonita. But we had big chruch. God was there and ministeted to the Aunies. They rent a Wedding Chapel and so while we were there Alyssa kept asking who was getting married. She even pretended to walk down the isle. It was pretty cute.
Well I was successful in my first ever yard sale!! I made about $140 which is just enough money to buy the girls fall and winter clothes. So thank the Lord for that. By the way if you are ever going to have a yard sale a great resource for tips and ideas is The Garage Sale Queen. If you go to her website she has 13 pages of good information to assist you.
Now to the exciting news... On Friday Joel received a phone call from Tim Whiseant asking if we would be willing to go to Boise, Idaho to take of a church for about 3 months. Bro. Cantola (the pastor) is very ill with a pancreas problem so much so that his wife is having to make all of the arrangements. They had originally asked Tim, but he is unable and immediately thought of us. After talking with Sis. Cantola it was agreed we will begin in November. It is a small church of about 60 or so members. There is also a group of a Tanzanians that has started attending. The finances are going to be a strain on the Church, but just in the last few days we have had several people call to say they would be sponsoring us while we are there. And the Idaho District has agreed to pay the RV site where we will be living. So the Lord is working everything out for us. Joel and I are very excited about this opportunity He has made available to us. We leave for Napa (we will be preaching there on Wednesday) tommorrow after Joel gets off work and on Thursday we will be preaching in Vacaville. Then on Friday we will begin our way to WA. Once there Joel will leave the girls and I and he will drive to Idaho to meet the church on Sunday. We covet your prayers while we are on the road and when we get to Boise and also for Bro. Cantola's complete healing. I will keep you posted on all that is happening. Love you all.


Gene Holley said...

We will be praying! God has a wonderful way of providing when it all looks impossible. May God's blessings be with you on the road and in this work of the Lord.

Lynda said...

We are praying for you. God is GOOD!

Christina said...

Will keep you in our prayers, and it is wonderful to hear what God is doing for you an with you all. I love to hear of your guys whereabouts so please keep up the post. Love ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful opportunity to fill a great need. I'll also be praying for you.