Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Yard Sale Anyone?

I am at this moment trying to figure out what in the world I'm doing!! Yesterday morning my mother-n-law ask me to help her clean out and organize her garage. (A lot of the stuff is mine anyway.) So we there we were pulling out furniture, digging in boxes and trying to figure out exactly what those odd looking things were, when it hit me LET'S HAVE A YARD SALE. Well, now I'm thinking, is this such a great idea. For the last two days I have been organizing, cleaning and pricing. I can oraganize and clean but I don't know how to price. (I have never done a yard sale before.) Can any of you offer a good rule of thumb about pricing or any good yard sale tips.
Anixously awaiting you yard sale knowledge...


Linda Elms said...

Sheree, I'm in the same boat as you're in! I don't know much about yard sales, either. We let Brenda and Jonathan clean out our "stuff" one time and they made about $1600!!!! We had told them they could have it all if they did the work. LOL! They got all of it except a little I made on my clothes. That was the agreement. They were happy!!

Keith and Carla said...

We always put ours cheap enough for it to sell. That's the purpose, right? We never take anything back in the house after it goes out to the garage!!!